For those of you who are late to the party - we are a private network designed for rising women leaders; our mission is to disrupt the existing power dynamics and smash the glass ceiling with more women in leadership positions. We believe that a professional network should help you - to build a powerful network, grow professionally, and learn constantly.
If there was one key learning (from the innumerable) we have had, it would be to listen to feedback.
It’s how was born and it’s how we’ve been sharpening our platform month after month, making it bigger, and better for our raison d'être - our members. That is also how we are almost 500 members strong today, from 30 founding members in month 1. The response has been overwhelming, to say the least.
So, why are we sharing this? Because we have come to realize that once you unlock a great community, the level of conversation, learning and overall cognitive stimulation is just so much more productive. The community enables women to take the next step they want to in their careers — whatever that means to each of them. We help you find coaches, cheerleaders, partners and expand your business opportunities like never before.
If that isn’t empowering, we don’t know what is.
The last few months have been about refining the benefits for our members, getting an in-depth understanding of what areas they face roadblocks in, and go back to the drawing board to ensure we push past those roadblocks.
Two months ago, (on member-demand again), we launched masterclass and huddles - moderated discussions with industry thought leaders, experiences targeted to member interests, fireside conversations, and skill-sharpening workshops on everything from how to approach funding to managing emotions at work.
We have now hosted 12+ sessions and 80% of our members have attended at least 1 session with an average rating of 9.1. We plan to host 100 such sessions in 2021.
October was also spent burning the midnight oil to make the experience more rewarding for our members and we are stoked to introduce the all-new mobile app. The app will make engagement between members more seamless.
Superconnections (which allows you to connect/meet with other members) has been a hit and many success stories are already doing the rounds! You meet peers, investors, advisors, team members, co-founders, explore job opportunities, interview tips, business partnerships. And now, the app will make this benefit bigger and better.
We have enabled 1500+ superconnections and are certain this will only skyrocket in the future. After all, our members know that the network is their biggest asset.
Exec coaching - let’s just say if we had a bias to any of the benefits, it would be this. We believe coaching to be a superpower and have thus launched a managed marketplace of 60+ of India’s top coaches and trainers. We have hosted 100+ group coaching sessions in the last 6 months and have seen the catalytic impact it can have. Our members want to explore 1:1 coaching and can now book sessions with the best coaches at exclusive member rates.
What did they say about coaching being a well-kept secret reserved for the cxos and ceos, again?
Academy - curated content gets a whole new meaning as we unlock academy with only the best reading content. Watch out for this one as we get ready to commence group learning, amongst other major updates in the coming months!
And if that wasn’t enough - we have more exciting surprises lined up for the next few weeks. (We did say it’s been one helluva ride at the HQ)
Perks - an exclusive rewards platform for our members and Yellow Pages - a curated directory of top professionals for on-demand business needs.
.. And a lot more!
We have taken our first steps and will redefine a professional network as you know it in 2021 with one aim - make you win.
The revolution has begun. It’s time to build the table and not just take a seat.
Always 1% done.