This is for you, this blog, this time, this world, the future and most of all, this company - leap.
Why do we exist?
It will take 257 years to close the economic gender gap. None of us will see gender parity in our lifetimes and neither will our children. Are you okay with that?
It's important to understand the unique generational dilemma faced by future women leaders. She wants professional success, wants to travel the world, loves her financial independence but she also worries about the deep-rooted cultural values of being the wife, mother and daughter. Clearly her challenges are unique and so should be the solutions.
What do we do?
leap is a paid membership with benefits based on hundreds of survey responses from women who said that a strong professional network and support group will help them make it big in their careers. So, we decided to build just that - a professional network 2.0. Here’s how you can become a member:
- Join the waitlist on our website;
- We reach out to you to check if you’re a fit;
- If you are — you answer a few, very specific questions. Our algorithms then start their magic to make leap work for you – based on your goals and aspirations.
Using technology, we customise the entire leap experience for our members:
Build your offline network
Our algorithm will help you meet relevant women who will help you reach your goals monthly. A strong network is highly undervalued and we want to build the most relevant and powerful network for you.
Coaching and peer group experience
Coaching is a superpower that can transform your journey. However, executive coaching sessions cost Rs 25,000+ per hour and are usually reserved for only C-levels. At leap, we change this. You are part of a small peer group that is led by a professional coach. You meet once every 30-45 days, forge deep connections, camaraderie, support, discuss the last 5% of your professional life here and work through challenges together.
Focus on your well-being
Mental wellness is often ignored but is crucial for professional growth in any workplace. At leap, you can book sessions with our highly-rated therapists. These sessions cost Rs 2500-4000 per session but for leap members, it is a part of the membership.
Speaker series
Events have lost their charm. Speakers are in a rush to leave and attendees are left hustling to network. At leap, we curate intimate fireside chats with industry icons. We make it easy for you to network and learn from leaders who have successfully walked your road.
Content meant only for you
Based on your current goals, we curate articles, blogs, podcasts, Ask Me Anything (AMA’s) and deliver it right to your inbox. We cut all the noise for you.
Every leap contributes to the greater good
10% of your membership fee gets donated to the leap foundation. We work with underprivileged girls in the form of aids and scholarships to build the future leaders of tomorrow.
leap is an investment you make in you and towards the future daughters and leaders of this country.
What we are not:
Social charity — creating women leaders is a $12 trillion economic opportunity.
About male-bashing — we need all genders to come together to make an equal world a reality. We are not alienating men, we are simply focusing on women.
We believe that when women have the opportunity to engage with other women who are determined to shatter the glass ceiling; when women have access to a relevant network of supporters to navigate their growth path; when women are at their confident best from the inside out – a revolution will be underway, and it is.
You didn’t come this far, to only come this far.
With love, respect and goals,
Team leap
P.S. - we are now onboarding our founding members in Delhi NCR. If you are a rising woman leader in the city, write to us on hi@leap.club.